*1947 in Hildesheim, lives and works in Koblenz
Burghard Müller-Dannhausen finds a motif when he is impressed, influenced or touched by a particular situation. The emotion he experiences is then composed into a colour scheme in various individual steps, which can then be used as a motif after a period of time. For Burghard Müller-Dannhausen, colour is both emotion and memory. The combination of specially produced pigment-based colours – he does not use ready-made commercial paints – creates a deliberate, precise colourfulness that captures that particular moment in the artist’s life as a motif. What this particular moment was in reality, or what it looked like exactly, remains the mystery of these pictures, because they do not reveal it. Burghard Müller-Dannhausen’s pictures can thus be interpreted in their entirety as a personal, coded diary, parts of which the artist shows to the public. Extract from: Christopher Naumann, Burghard Müller-Dannhausen. Farbe ist Emotion – Farbe ist Erinnerung, in: Burghard Müller-Dannhausen, Erinnern = Orientieren, edited by Christopher Naumann, Naumann Beck / Verlag für kluge Texte, Homburg an der Saar 2012, pp. 3-4.