*1964 in Darmstadt, lives and works in Cologne, DE
Mike Meiré describes his work as a continued investigation into life‘s evolutionary processes, which the artist interprets in three phases, birth, biography and death. Central to all of Meiré‘s work is a delicate interplay between highly refined against mundane everyday materials.
The intriguing juxtaposition of organic often sexually explicit or gender-orientated objects with anodyne geometric elements play an increasingly important role in Meiré‘s work. These evoke a sense of ambivalence towards modernity. […]
Niklas von Bartha, Rosie Snaith
Grid PaintingsAs an artist and art director, Mike Meiré has a sharp eye for what is hidden behind the news pages, for the template into which they are fitted, for the means with which they are transmitted. Thus it is not by chance that the discourse with the NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), whose relaunch was carried out by Mike Meiré, put him on the track to the “Grid Paintings”. What at first seems like a return to the painting of constructivism, at a closer look proves to be an exact reversal of the constructivist principle. This is precisely not about an abstract art freed from realistic references whose reduction to geometric elementary forms are meant to depict the ideal of human principles of cognition. This is more about a visualization of something abstract like news, a fetish of our real-time age.
Anh-Linh Ngo