The Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst (Foundation for Conceptual Art) was established in spring 2014 as an independent, legally capable and non-profit foundation for the preservation, administration and presentation, in particular of the art from the SAMMLUNG SCHROTH (SCHROTH COLLECTION), and was recognised by the district government of Arnsberg. The Soest tax office granted non-profit status with tax number 343/5746/5024 on 19 April 2016.
The tasks of the foundation are initially quite broadly defined as “promotion of art and culture”. In particular, the foundation will deal with the promotion of conceptual, constructive and concrete art, in short with art corresponding to the focal points in the SAMMLUNG SCHROTH (SCHROTH COLLECTION). In order to be able to fulfil these tasks, the Foundation, together with the city of Soest, has carried out the renovation and air-conditioning of the Museum Wilhelm Morgner, with the simultaneous addition of the RAUM SCHROTH (SCHROTH ROOM).
From May 2016 onwards, the Foundation for Conceptual Art will organise temporary exhibitions, which will be held every two years and will cover the entire building.
The Foundation occasionally invites relevant artists or artistic positions to complement the collection or for independent exhibitions. Attention is paid to the stringency of the art movements to be invited in accordance with the statutes.